Welcome to sleep

without sleep training.

Reconnect to your instincts

Release outer expectations

Rediscover peaceful parenting

Reconnect to your instincts Release outer expectations Rediscover peaceful parenting

Integrative Infant Sleep

Informed by neuroscience. Focused on attachment.

The human brain responds faster to an infant’s cry than to any other sound. Our brain mobilizes to a baby’s cry within 1/50,000 of a second. We were never meant to ignore our babies’ cries. In fact, we are hardwired for responsiveness — day and night.

You are not weak. You are not broken. And neither is your baby.

Sleep Training Guide

Partner wants to sleep train but you don't? Friends and family keep pressuring you to cry-it-out but you're not sure how to weigh risk/benefit?

I've got you. In this (free) guide, I'll walk you through seven evidence-based things to consider you so can feel armed with the information you need to make the best decision for your baby and your family.

There are two documents included in this guide: 7 Things to Consider Before Sleep Training and Partner wants to sleep train?


  • Our philosophy

    Integrative Infant Sleep gets at the root cause of sleep struggles. It's an investigative, collaborative approach that honors your baby's individuality. Together we’ll optimize day- and night-time variables using responsive approaches to sleep that are biologically appropriate, gentle, and respectful.

  • Work with Britt

    Individualized, 1:1 support available virtually or in-person. Working with your baby’s biological needs can take time. Gradual changes reduce resistance, protect infant mental health, and lead to sustainable change. Each package allows us the time and space to navigate sleep concerns in a holistic way.

  • Cuddle Crew

    A private, paid community exclusively for cosleeping, bedsharing mothers who nurture at night. We meet monthly for group circles, host expert guest speakers, have a robust library of resources, a book club, and genuine connection. Come join us!

Hi, I’m Britt.

In October of 2020, I gave birth to my first child. I was transformed. I shifted away from a ten-year career working for a renowned global nonprofit and began exploring infant psychology. 

I’ve been where you are. I understand the exhaustion, depletion, and anxiety of early motherhood. 

I also know what it’s like to feel desperate for sleep solutions only to be faced with binary options: wait it out or cry it out. 

I was magnetically pulled to uncover the truth about infant sleep and examine the intersection of infant, maternal, and societal mental health. And here’s what I learned about sleep training:

Since babies’ brains don't have the architecture to regulate on their own until they're 3-5 years old (the myth of self-soothing!), sleep training doesn't actually teach sleep.

The answer to your baby’s sleep isn’t on the internet. So you can stop Googling, “how much crying is too much crying?”

I like to say that I work for babies: I advocate for their needs before they can do so themselves. And of course, I work for mothers. I provide evidence-based information so people have the full-scope of information needed to make aligned decisions.

My life's work is to protect infant and maternal mental health and reduce the stress of early motherhood by normalizing biologically normal infant behavior.

  • Adriana

    "I don’t think I’ve ever felt more validated as a mother, as a woman, as a person than I have in my conversations with Britt.”

  • Victoria

    "If you need an advocate, a brilliant investigator, or a source of confidence, work with Britt. I was drowning in information before I found her. Sleep felt impossible and now it feels peaceful.”

  • Natasha

    “She is a baby whisperer! The way she intuitively understood my son's needs blew me away.”

  • Katie

    “Britt helped me to disentangle my own complex assumptions and misinformation about infant sleep so that I could make the best choices for myself, my son, and our sleeping.”
